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11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors Today

Mercy Brice

11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors


Many folks have always asked, what Is the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors? In this article, we will walk you step by step on the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors.

You may be anxious and concerned if you are being chased for a debt.

Try not to be bothered by all of the calls from debt collectors. If you need to take a break, utilize the 11-word phrase listed below this article.

Ignoring a call from a debt collector for too long is a bad idea. You should try and investigate if you genuinely owe the amount and whether the statute of limitations is still in effect.


If you pay off all of your debts, your FICO score may rise within two billing cycles.

Please take note that paid-off accounts remain on your credit record for ten years. Even if you pay off all of your debts at once, late payments will remain on your credit record for 7 years.

This article will give you a lot of insights about debt collectors. Please ensure to read this article to the end so that you will not miss any part and if you have any question please use the comment form below.


What Is The 11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors?

11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors

The 11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors Is; “Please Cease And Desist All Calls And Communications With Me, Instantly.”

This phrase will assist you in preventing debt collectors from contacting you. And help keep debt collectors at bay so you can obtain some time alone to strategize and get your financial life in order.

This 11 phrase, on the other hand, arose when it was stated in an interview on Larry King’s show. Credit expert John Ulzheimer was promoting the book “Credit Secrets” by Scott and Alison Hilton.

On page 43 of the book, he states that there is a simple 11-word phrase you may use to ensure that no debt collectors will approach you again.

This was only a marketing technique to increase book sales, but it confused thousands of people.

Please keep in mind that the 11-word phrase is a myth that may or may not work for you in some situations. If you truly want to stop debt collectors from calling you, then you have to read this article to the end.


How Can You Avoid Being Contacted By Debt Collectors?

You have the power to ask a debt collector to stop contacting you. Send a letter to the debt collector and retain a copy of it if you want to terminate communication.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was clarified by the CFPB’s Debt Collection Rule, which went into effect on November 30, 2021.

The collector is in violation of the FDCPA if they contact you repeatedly even after you hang up on them. Written communications benefit you since they provide you with a written record of everything stated.


Simply informing debt collectors that you prefer written communication will stop them from calling you.

The advantage of writing a cease and desist letter to a debt collector is that they will stop bugging you. You can file a lawsuit for a violation of the FDCPA and seek financial damages if a debt collector contacts you repeatedly.

Quick Note:

Telling a debt collector not to contact you does not cancel the debt. Even if the debt collector is unable to contact you, the debt collector may still pursue legal action to recover the debt, such as filing a lawsuit.

Stopping all connections with the debt collector, only limits the amount of information you receive about the debt.


How Many Phone Calls From A Debt Collector Is Considered Harassment?

The number of calls a debt collector may make to you is not limited by federal law.

A debt collector may not call you frequently or continuously with the intent of annoying, abusing, or harassing you or anyone who shares your phone number.

If you have two unpaid debts, your debt collector may call you once per debt, and a total of two calls per day.

If a debt collector contacts you more than once per day, this can be considered harassment and is prohibited.

A debt collector is not permitted to contact you more than once each day. They may call you back later in the day, if you ask them to do so.

However, the only exception is if you have agreed with them on a set time to communicate with them.


What Does A Debt Validation Letter Contains?

A debt collector will send you a debt validation letter as proof that you owe them money.


This letter gives you detailed information about a debt, including what you owe, who you owe it to, and when that person needs it paid.

The name of your creditor, the amount you allegedly owe, and instructions on how to dispute the debt should all be listed in a debt validation letter.

You have about 30 days from getting a debt validation letter to contest the debt and ask the debt collector for documented proof.

A Debt Validation Letter is useful in almost every transaction with a collector. If you do not owe the amount, the collector is likely to give up since they cannot show proof of the debt.

If you only owe a portion of the obligation, the collector will be compelled to substantiate the whole amount owed.

A debt collector is required by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) to reply to a request for a debt validation letter.

If they don’t, they’re breaking the law, and you may report them to your state’s attorney general, the Federal Trade Commission, or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. You can also sue for up to $1,000 for damages.


How Can You Get Out Of Debt Collectors Without Paying Them?

Write the collector a letter outlining your circumstances and why you would like the debt deleted, such as if you’re ready to apply for a mortgage, and ask the current creditor — either the original creditor or a debt collector — for what’s known as a “goodwill deletion.”

Another option is for you to file for bankruptcy. It has long been considered a type of last choice, yet it’s a totally legitimate approach to try to get out from under crippling debt and start over.

Depending on factors including where you reside, how much debt you have, and what assets you hold, the cost of filing for bankruptcy will vary greatly.

Even if you cannot afford to file for bankruptcy, you may still be able to cope with your debt. Debt reduction solutions differ mostly depending on the type of debt.

While filing for bankruptcy, please also consider the downside of it. Please read this other article to see the downside of bankruptcy.

In general, debt collectors want you to pay, so you may be able to arrange a payment plan or a reduced rate.


Is it realistic to get out of debt without making any payments?

Absolutely, NO. You can try to disregard your debts, and there may be cases when creditors or collectors just give up attempting to collect from you. But this does not imply that you are debt-free. You just have to pay your debt.


What Happens If You Refuse To Pay Debt Collectors?

Debt collectors have the right to sue you if you don’t respond to their calls and letters. If you choose to disregard the case, the creditor will automatically win.

If this occurs, the court will issue a deficiency judgment ordering you to pay the amount as well as the attorney’s fees and collection costs for the debt collector.

The judgment can be enforced by the debt collector by seizing your property or garnishing your wages. According to federal law, a wage garnishment cannot exceed 25% of your disposable income.

With a bank account garnishment, the money in your account is frozen and may only be withdrawn by the creditor.

However, you can go ahead to speak with a lawyer who can provide you legal counsel regarding your issue if you can’t come to an arrangement with a debt collector.

It’s a wise practice to pay your debts that you rightfully owe. The harassing phone calls, collection letters, and threat of legal action will stop after you pay or clear your debts.


How Long Can A Debt Collector Pursue You?

11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors

Debt collectors can pursue you for up to 6years or more.

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, debts can stay on your credit report for a minimum of seven years and occasionally much longer. 

According to state law, you may have a defense to the litigation if you are sued for a debt and the obligation is too old.

However, the time restriction is six years from the date you last wrote to or made a payment on the majority of debts. Mortgage obligations have a longer grace period.


The time restriction is 6 years for the interest on the mortgage and 12 years for the principal amount if your home is repossessed and you are still in debt from your mortgage.

The statute of limitations may also be impacted by the conditions of the agreement you have with your creditor, and if you have relocated, the laws of the state where you are being sued, is also affected.

In some areas, a partial payment on an old account may reset the time period during which you might be sued.

It is also a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act if an obligation collector sues you for an unpaid debt that has been pending for more than 90 days.


Can You Dispute A Debt That Has Been Sold To A Collection Agency?

Absolutely, YES.

You have the same rights as you would if you were negotiating with the original creditor. You can dispute a debt if you do not feel you should pay it, such as if it is statute barred or mandated.

Please take note that, you owe the debt purchaser the money once the debt has been sold to them rather than the original creditor.

When collecting the debt, the debt purchaser must follow the same regulations as your original creditor.

They cannot, for example, add interest and charges to your debt unless approved by the conditions of your initial credit arrangement.

You can find yourself taking phone calls from creditors pleading with you to pay. A collection agency pursuing you will probably have a bad effect on your credit reports.

The creditor may have given up, but the collection agency will not; that is how debt collectors make money.

Please try your best to avoid allowing a debt to go unpaid. In the worst instance, a collection company may attempt to garnish your salary or confiscate your possessions.

These drastic measures are only legal if the contract you signed with the original creditor and state law permit them.



Another Reading Suggestion


Do You Have To Pay Off A Debt That Is More Than Ten Years Old?

Absolutely, YES.

In most circumstances, the debt’s statute of limitations will have expired after ten years.

This implies that a debt collector can still try to collect it (and you technically still owe it), but they can’t usually take legal action against you.

Most debts have a statute of limitations that begins when you default. It also depends on when you made your most recent payment.

If a debt is ten years old but you made payments up to three years ago, the obligation is likely still within the statute of limitations and can be pursued by a debt collection agency.

It’s essential to be aware of the laws in your state because the statute of limitations for various sorts of debt varies from state to state. If you have any concerns, speak to a lawyer about your particular circumstance.

After ten years, you are still responsible for any outstanding credit obligation.

You could want to engage with debt collectors to settle the debt if you still have time under your state’s statute of limitations rather than running the risk of being sued.

You cannot be harassed or abused by debt collectors. They are not allowed to use profanity, make false threats that they won’t follow through on, or threaten to do something to you or your property that is prohibited.

Additionally, they are not allowed to phone you repeatedly or harass you over a short period of time. Please take note of that.


Can You Be Sued By Debt Collectors?

Yes, a debt collector may file a lawsuit against you if you are at least 180 days behind on your payments. When this occurs, it’s necessary to take a proactive, cautious approach.

If you owe money, a creditor or debt collector may eventually file legal action against you. 


Even while not every creditor will file a lawsuit for debt collection, if you have income or assets that the creditor may seize, the creditor will most certainly sue you in order to get a judgment.

However, if you receive notice of a lawsuit for debt collection, keep calm and plan your next steps carefully.

Please be aware that failing to appear in court might have significant consequences, including income garnishment.

To prevent such consequences, try options like, employing a debt collection attorney, reaching a settlement, or even declaring bankruptcy.

Quick Note:

If you get a judgment from a creditor, be sure you are aware of the many strategies they could employ to try to enforce the decision.

In rare circumstances, you might be able to stop the creditor from seizing all of your assets or some portion of your income.


What Happens If The Debt Collector Is Unable To Locate You?

11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors

If a debt collector is unable to find you, they are permitted to get in touch with neighbors, family members, or even your employer – but only in an effort to find you.

A debt collector is not permitted by law to tell others that you owe money or to inquire about your financial situation. Your friends, family, and neighbors may get calls from certain pushy debt collectors.

You don’t need persuading from a debt collector. Your outstanding debts will harm your credit report and tarnish your reputation even if the debt collector is unable to locate you.

It is absolutely hard to completely ignore a debt collector. Debt collectors are persistent even if you let all of their phone calls go to voicemail.

Debt collectors may attempt to get in touch with you online via various social media sites. They’ll probably reach the stage where they sue you in court for unpaid debts.

Also, due to interest, late fees, and penalties, the amount you owe will undoubtedly keep rising if you ignore a debt collector and do not pay the obligation.


Some debt collection agencies add on the costs they spent while trying to recover the debt.

Quick Note:

If you disregard a court filing, a debt collector may garnish your wages, confiscate your property, and withdraw money from your bank account.

Kindly take note that, a debt collection agency will be able to get a default judgment against you if you disregard court filing.


What Can’t A Debt Collectors Do To You?

There are no specific legal rights for debt collectors. Don’t feel scared even if you sense pressure to spend more than you can comfortably afford.

They are unable to inflate the amount you owe. Unless those restrictions were already in place when your debt was issued or state law permits it.

They cannot employ unfair methods to collect any interest, fees, or other penalties on top of what you already owe. And they are unable to send you a postcard.

Also, they cannot fabricate information on people who have breached the law, pose as lawyers or government officials, or accuse you of committing a crime.

Under the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, debt collectors are not allowed to use a phony identity, send you anything that seems to be an official document, or provide incorrect credit information about you.

Debt collectors are prohibited from publicly embarrassing you into paying money you might or might not owe.

The identities of those who owe money cannot be made public. They are not even permitted to speak about the situation with anybody other than you, your spouse, or your lawyer.


Do Debt Collections Ever Go Away?

11 Word Phrase To Stop Debt Collectors

The debt itself does not go away or expire in the vast majority of states until you pay it. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, debts can stay on your credit report for a minimum of seven years and occasionally much longer.


Although a collection account won’t be on your credit reports permanently, it can have a major negative influence on your score.

Generally speaking, collection accounts are kept on your credit reports for seven years plus 180 days after the account initially got past due.

They could damage your credit during this period, making it harder for you to get new credit cards or loans.

It’s usually a good idea to pay off genuine collection debts. Paying or resolving collections will put an end to the harassing phone calls and letters.

Paying off outstanding debt is a solid approach to get rid of harassment.

However, before making any payment, make sure the debt is yours and that you can afford to pay it. Also, get everything in writing to guarantee that the debt is discharged.


Is It Beneficial To Pay Off Old Debt?

Yes, it is beneficial to pay off old debt.

If the debt is still displayed on your credit report, it’s a good idea to pay it off so you can enhance your chances of getting a credit card or a loan.

Remember that settling the debt will not eliminate it from your credit record (unless you arrange a pay for delete agreement). In general, paying off your overall debt is a better alternative for your credit.

Potential lenders can see from an account’s “paid in full” status on your credit report that you’ve fulfilled your commitments as stated and made the complete amount owed to the creditor.

Your score serves as a predictor of your likelihood to make timely loan repayments. Paying off debt does not always improve a person’s credit score because there are several other elements that go into the calculation.

Debt repayment may reduce your credit score if it alters your credit mix, credit use, or average account age.


Final Concepts

Please take note that this 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors is not a 100% guarantee to stop all Debt collectors. However, it might work for some cases. You can also go ahead and try it with your Debt Collector.


There are various advantages to not diving too much into debt. Debt might deplete your savings.

When you are debt-free, you will most likely have more money to spend on items you desire or enjoy without having to worry about interest payments.

Debt can cause worry and depression, which can cause headaches, disrupt sleeping habits, and impair one’s ability to focus. 

This sort of physical stress on the body might lead to more complications. We highly advise you to pay off your debts to avoid harassment.

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